Xenia Englert
Xenia, is 18 years old and goes to Sankt Annæ Gymnasium in Copenhagen every day, where she studies music.
Xenia: "I have always had a great interest in clothes and fashion, and love experimenting with my clothing! I started as an influencer in 2019 and have since only become even more captivated by the world of fashion.
It has been the coolest experience to be able to design a clothing collection with Sistie! I am so happy and proud of what we have done and look forward to being able to show it off and see other people doing it.
In my design process, I have always had in the back of my mind that I wanted to design items that I myself felt I was missing."
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Unisex collection
In my design process, I have had in the back of my mind that I wanted to design items that I myself felt I was missing. I lead e.g. often looking for the perfect spring jacket, and it has been the coolest thing just to be able to design what I thought. The jacket, sweat and my T-shirt are all Unisex styles - which I think is super cool.
My personal style changes a lot, depending on what mood I'm in. In my collection, I've designed a summer set that's a little more feminine than the other items, and I hope it can inspire other girls to explore and experiment with their clothing , just as I have done myself.